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Volumes Orientation and Merge

Volumes Orientation and Merge

Several volumes acquired in different surveys can be merged in the same direction. This option is very useful to proceed to a regional scale interpretation in PaleoScan™. It is necessary to choose one reference survey to define the direction for re-gridding the other volumes.

This step has to be done prior the creation of the model grid. To perform this merge it is necessary to follow the following steps:

  • Open the merging tool by clicking on the “Volumes merging” button in the Volume module.
  • Choose the volumes to merge and drag and drop them into the “Drop Here” zone.
  • If there are no overlapping areas, click on Next. If there are some overlapping areas, there are two ways of dealing with them: 

                   By toggling on the Smooth checkbox, the overlapping areas will be filled applying a smooth on the input volumes. 

                  By toggling off the Smooth checkbox, PaleoScan™ won’t smooth the overlapping areas but they will be filled using the highest volume in the list. In such a case, the order of the volumes in the list has an importance because the highest volume takes precedence. 

Volume Sculpting

Volumes can be sculpted in the 3D viewer according to an horizon or an horizon stack. This option is very helpful to understand the relationship between geological events seen on the horizons and the seismic data. It can be easily performed in PaleoScan™, without needing specific requirement from the graphics card.

To do so, 3 methods are available: 

  • Between Horizons: define 2 horizons or horizons stacks to sculpt the volume to 
  • From Top of Volume to Horizon: the sculpting will start from the first time slice and will end at the specified horizon level
  • From Horizon to Bottom of Volume: the sculpting will start from the specified horizon level and end at the last time slice 

When horizon stacks are bounding the volume, it is possible to move them up or down. By doing so, the sculpting will be updated on the fly.

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Michael Kenney 01/12/2022 14:17

Hope to try this multi-survey merge in the future. Thank you.

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