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EAGE Workshop on Advanced Petroleum Systems Assessments - In pursuit of Differentiated Barrels

EAGE Workshop on Advanced Petroleum Systems Assessments - In pursuit of Differentiated Barrels
30-31 July, 2024

Knowledge sharing and learning from both success and failure cases are key to increasing process understanding and exploration success, essential requirements for finding, developing, and producing oil and gas resources. In the context of the current global energy challenges, Petroleum Systems Assessments must continue to play a central role in delivering new discoveries needed to meet the energy demand. In addition, the technical understanding and integrated nature of this discipline make it one of the core capabilities required to facilitate the energy transition. To achieve these goals, the petroleum systems analyst must extract greater depths of information from the wealth of data obtained from decades of exploration, while continuing to develop novel approaches to interrogate samples or models with greater specificity and precision. 

This workshop will present a variety of multidisciplinary petroleum system case studies and examples including integration of geochemical, geological and geophysical workflows, and will be highly relevant to both petroleum system analysts and exploration geoscientists.

Eliis | PaleoScan™ at EAGE Workshop on Advanced Petroleum Systems Assessments - In pursuit of Differentiated Barrels

Our Vice President - South East Asia, Jusmilla Baharom, will be representing Eliis in one of the panel sessions; Eliis CEO, Benoit Matha, will be attending from HQ; and Senior Geoscientist, Sapinah Saleh, represents Eliis as a member of the EAGE Workshops committee.

Panel Session 1: Industry Issues Revolving Around Advanced Petroleum Systems Assessments
Tuesday 30 July, 2024 at 11:00AM (local time)


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